Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Regular Mormon

What is a regular Mormon?

Hi, my name is Mark Fletcher. I am 25, male, and married with two kids. I am a regular Mormon (a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). Figuring out what a regular Mormon thinks, believes, acts, feels and struggles with, can be kind of hard to figure out. This summer, for instance, while participating in a summer internship/program at Johns Hopkins Medical School, many people treated me as if I was from a different planet, and felt that they didn't know how to act around me. Turns out, we are more normal than you may think. Contrary to what you may have heard about on the news or from HBO, I (and most regular Mormon's) live pretty normal, happy, and seemingly uneventful lives.

I want to have a conversation with you... of sorts. Mormonism is kind of peculiar. It is not something that can be described in one paragraph or in one setting. My hope for this blog is that it can be a place of discussion for those interested, curious, or indifferent towards the Mormon faith. Perhaps, you will gain a small glimpse into what we are all about, and why we seem a bit peculiar.

A little about me. I am a regular Mormon. I was born into a Mormon family, but became personally converted in my teenage years through intense study and prayer. I graduated from Seminary in high-school, attended BYU, served a two year mission, got married to the love of my life just 4 months after my mission, have two sons, and have spent hundreds of hours studying other religions as well.

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